Imam e Rabbani Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani R.A ki zaat e wala siffat say kon Muslim waqif nahin. He is the spiritual heir of Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Baqi Billah R.A and the most famous, pious and prominent Sufi Mystic of the Sub continent. Silsila e Naqshbandiya Mujaddadiya is named after him. His real name is Ahmad Sarhandi R.A as he was born in sarhind shareef. While he is known as Mujaddid Alf Sani which means a Mujaddid (Reviver of Islam) comes after a thousand years after the Mujaddid e Awwal Hazrat Ghous e Azam Huzoor Qibla Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani R.A.
He reconstructed the defaced face of Din e Islam of that times and give Islam its true face. At those times in the Mughliya reign of King Akbar, the ideology of Wahdatul Wajood took the wrong meaning due to fake Sufis due to which everyone took its own meanings without going into the depths of this Phase of Tasawwuf. At the very moment, with the guidance of Allah and Aqa Pak Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W and his Spiritual Leader Huzoor Baqi Billah R.A he proposed the ideology of Wahdat ul Shahood which clearly states that none of the creations can be called Creator (Allah) while all the creations are from its Creator (Allah).
Hazrat kay maktubat jo kay Persian language main hain, aloom o maa'raf ka behr e naapaid hain. In main daqeeq ilmi aur kalami mubihis bhi hain. Aur tasawwuf oTareeqat kay haqaaiq o maa'raf bhi hain. Ahl e ilam ki ilmi piyas bujhanay ka samaan bhi hai aur saalkeen e tareekat kay liye hidayat o rehnumaee ka zariya bhhi hain. In makateeb ka Urdu samait bohat se languages main translations ho chuki hain. Aur in ka faiz Allah kay fazal say jaari o saari hai.
Allah nay ittibaa e shariyat, eeza e tareekat aur siraat e mustaqeem ki hidayat ka jo kaam Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani say uon kay daur main liya hai is ki badolat deen ka her talib e ilm khasoosan sub continent say taluq rakhnay wala her salik raah e tasawwuf oun ka ehsan mand hai.
Ap kay makateb na sirf sirat e mustaqeem ki theek theek nishandahi kertayy hain jis ki aakhri manzil qurb e khudawandi hai aur duniya o akhirat ki kamyabi hai balkay yeh makateeb perhanay walay ko oos raah e haq per laa ker khara ker daitay hain jis kay baad salik k liye sirf kadam uthana baki reh jata hai.
Imam e Rabbani Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani RA ki Zaat e wala siffat dizer kon muçulmano nahin waqif. Ele é o herdeiro espiritual de Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Baqi Billah RA eo mais famoso, piedoso e proeminente místico sufi do Sub continente. Silsila e Naqshbandiya Mujaddadiya é nomeado após ele. Seu verdadeiro nome é Ahmad Sarhandi RA como ele nasceu em shareef sarhind. Enquanto ele é conhecido como Mujaddid Alf Sani o que significa uma Mujaddid (Reviver do Islã) vem depois de mil anos após a Mujaddid e Awwal Hazrat Ghous e Azam Huzoor Qibla Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani RA
Ele reconstruiu o rosto desfigurado de Din e Islam de que os tempos e dar-Islam sua verdadeira face. Nesses momentos, no reinado de D. Mughliya Akbar, a ideologia do Wahdatul Wajood tomou o significado errado devido à Sufis falsos devido a que todos tomaram seus próprios significados sem ir para as profundezas desta fase de Tasawwuf. No momento, com a orientação de Deus e Aqa Pak Hazrat Muhammad SAW e seu Líder Espiritual Huzoor Baqi Billah RA ele propôs a ideologia do Wahdat ul Shahood que afirma claramente que nenhuma das criações pode ser chamado de criador (Deus), enquanto todos os criações são de seu Criador (Deus).
Hazrat kay maktubat jo kay persa hain língua principal, aloom o maa'raf ka behr e naapaid Hain. Na principal daqeeq ILMI aur Kalami mubihis bhi Hain. Aur tasawwuf oTareeqat kay haqaaiq o maa'raf bhi Hain. Ahl e ilam ki ILMI piyas bujhanay ka Samaan bhi hai aur saalkeen e tareekat kay liye Hidayat o rehnumaee ka zariya bhhi Hain. Em makateeb ka urdu samait bohat si idiomas principais traduções chuki ho Hain. Aur em ka faiz Allah kay Fazal dizer jaari o saari hai.
Allah nay ittibaa e shariyat, eeza e tareekat aur siraat e mustaqeem ki Hidayat ka jo kaam Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani dizer uon kay daur liya principal hai é ki badolat deen ka seu Talib e ilm khasoosan sub continente dizer taluq rakhnay Wala seu salik raah e tasawwuf oun ka ehsan mand hai.
Ap kay makateb na sirf Sirat e mustaqeem ki Theek Theek nishandahi kertayy hain jis ki aakhri manzil Qurb e khudawandi hai aur Duniya o akhirat ki kamyabi hai balkay yeh makateeb perhanay walay ko oos raah e haq por laa ker khara ker daitay hain jis kay baad salik k liye sirf kadam uthana baki reh jata hai.